Thursday, June 21, 2012

What I learned from VBS

One, the Word of God does not return void! I looked at the hundreds of children walking or running the halls, singing, laughing, etc…and I thought to myself each of these children heard the Gospel in a variety of different ways this week. How exciting it is to imagine all the Lord and His Word will accomplish through the children that attended VBS.

As a parent this reminded me how important it is to daily share the Word of God with my children. To be hopeful for the purposes and plans He has for them and desiring to be a part of pointing them to Jesus. VBS was an intentional week of doing that, and I want to intentionally continue to point them to the Word, so it can accomplish much in them for God’s glory!

The other thing that stood out to me during VBS is that a lot of planning, work, decorating, meetings, etc…go into each an every event that takes place at a church. But what really makes the week great is again that the Word of God does not return void. That all our efforts and our works do not accomplish anything apart from the Holy Spirit. That even our greatest accomplishments, events, efforts, ideas are nothing in comparison to what the Lord has planned!

The Lord is gracious to use us. He is gracious to give us talents. He is gracious to give us ideas and plans. But He does GREAT works apart from and in spite of me!

So as summer rolls on, I hope I can slow down long enough to point my children to the Word of God. I hope I can rest in the fact that Jesus is enough! That sometimes my days activities, attitudes, and emotions will get in the way of pointing my children to Christ! But I know that His power is made perfect in my weakness and that His Word will not return void in their lives. 

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